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Denisse Martinez Mora

Denisse Martinez

Denisse Martinez Mora is a Quality Control Technician at Red Boot, a role which involves quality testing products and equipment throughout the production process. Denisse does daily checks on our state-of-the-art lab equipment and performs quality checks on products that are running each day, communicating with the production team throughout the process.

Born in Veracruz, Mexico, Denisse came to the United States at age 11. She has previous experience working in the food and beverage industry. Denisse’s mom was one of Red Boot’s earliest employees, and encouraged her to join the team.  Denisse enjoys the opportunity Red Boot offers to learn something new every day.

Outside of Red Boot, Denisse enjoys spending time with her three dogs, and travelling.


Favorite color:  Pink

Favorite beverage: Hibiscus water

Hobbies: Shopping

Favorite TV show or Movie: The Twilight Saga and Tinkerbell

Best Piece of Advice: Live your life.

Three words that describe your coworkers: Hardworking, resourceful, and flexible

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