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Adam Kurt

Adam Kurt

Adam Kurt is one of Red Boot’s Process Engineers, dedicated to heading off problems before they start in our bottling processes. Adam helps to maintain production, create documentation, and ensure machinery is working properly for upcoming runs.

Adam has been an engineer in several industries prior to joining the Red Boot team, and was drawn here because it seemed fun to produce products that his friends and family could and see and enjoy. Adam says what makes Red Boot an awesome place to work is the engineering team: the great people who are always willing to answer questions.

Outside of Red Boot, you can find Adam with his wife and daughter, playing any sport or board game, and dominating at fantasy football.


Favorite color:  Orange

Favorite beverage: Water

Hobbies: Sports, board games, video games, music, fantasy football

Favorite TV show or Movie: BBC Sherlock

Best Piece of Advice:  You only have one life: Are you spending your time on the things you should?

Three words that describe your coworkers: Kind, patient, and resourceful

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