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Lexi Samayoa

Lexi Samoyoa

Lexi Samayoa is one of Red Boot’s Quality Control Technicians, responsible for the development of in-house microbiology testing, analyzing environmental and product samples.

Lexi found a love for fermentation while taking microbiology in college, fermenting kombucha on her dorm room desk at night while learning about the microbes during the day. Before joining the Red Boot team, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Biology, Chemistry, and Spanish at Central College, and worked in the fermented beverage industry as a quality control manager and head brewer. Lexi enjoys working with the highly motivated, warm, and supportive team and being in the lab setting at Red Boot.

Outside of Red Boot, Lexi enjoys cooking, baking, gardening, hiking, and cat napping with her cats.


Favorite color:  Orange

Favorite beverage: Coffee

Hobbies: Making good food, crafting, and admiring nature

Favorite TV show or Movie: Coraline

Best Piece of Advice:  Slow down and enjoy the ride

Three words that describe your coworkers: Supportive, intelligent, and joyful

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